Fireplace and Chimney Experts

Fireplace and Chimney Experts


Nothing adds warmth and character to your home quite like a wood burning fireplace. And when you choose a wood burning fireplace you get the flexibility of burning real wood or the convenience of burning gas logs.

Wood burning fireplaces are classic, elegant options for any home. Rustic, warm, and full of character, wood burning fireplaces offer the vintage crackling, popping, and wonderful smells that only the real thing can. A wood burning fireplace can also be retrofitted with stylish gas logs to combine cozy ambiance with convenience and ease of use.

Advantages of Wood Burning Fireplaces

Authentic, timeless aesthetic – A wood burning fireplace creates an unforgettable experience with the sounds, smells, and genuine warmth of your childhood and the outdoors.

Lower energy costs – Create efficient heating with wood burning fireplaces that allow you to turn down your thermostat and save energy, giving you a back-up heat source, and lowering your winter utility bills.

Pleasant aroma – Nothing beats the pleasant and distinct aroma of a wood burning fireplace. Different species of wood produce different aromas your family will appreciate, and you can experiment with different varieties until you find your favorite aroma.

Less expensive than gas fireplaces – When comparing wood burning fireplaces to gas fireplaces, supplying wood is more cost effective than purchasing natural gas and more easily accessible.

Environmentally friendly – The complete environmental impact of wood burning fireplaces and other fireplace types is constantly being examined and considered. It’s agreed though that wood is a sustainable and renewable resource that is less taxing on the environment than fossil fuels.

Low maintenance – The biggest ongoing maintenance needed is to shovel and dispose of the ashes at the bottom of your firebox after each use. You can even save the ashes as a fertilizer for your flowers and trees.

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